// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you // may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You // may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or // implied. See the License for the specific language governing // permissions and limitations under the License. #ifndef WEBGL_LOADER_STREAM_H_ #define WEBGL_LOADER_STREAM_H_ #include <stdio.h> #include <string> #include <vector> #include "base.h" namespace webgl_loader { // An abstract interface to allow appending bytes to various streams. class ByteSinkInterface { public: virtual void Put(char c) = 0; virtual size_t PutN(const char* data, size_t len) = 0; virtual ~ByteSinkInterface() { } protected: ByteSinkInterface() { } private: // Disallow copy and assignment. ByteSinkInterface(const ByteSinkInterface&); void operator=(const ByteSinkInterface&); }; // None of the concrete implementations actually own the backing data. // They should be safe to copy. class NullSink : public ByteSinkInterface { public: NullSink() { } virtual void Put(char) { } virtual size_t PutN(const char*, size_t len) { return len; } }; class FileSink : public ByteSinkInterface { public: // |fp| is unowned and must not be NULL. explicit FileSink(FILE* fp) : fp_(fp) { } virtual void Put(char c) { PutChar(c, fp_); } virtual size_t PutN(const char* data, size_t len) { return fwrite(data, 1, len, fp_); } private: FILE *fp_; // unowned. }; class VectorSink : public ByteSinkInterface { public: // |vec| is unowned and must not be NULL. explicit VectorSink(std::vector<char>* vec) : vec_(vec) { } virtual void Put(char c) { vec_->push_back(c); } virtual size_t PutN(const char* data, size_t len) { vec_->insert(vec_->end(), data, data + len); return len; } private: std::vector<char>* vec_; // unowned. }; class StringSink : public ByteSinkInterface { public: // |str| is unowned and must not be NULL. explicit StringSink(std::string* str) : str_(str) { DCHECK(str != NULL); } virtual void Put(char c) { str_->push_back(c); } virtual size_t PutN(const char* data, size_t len) { str_->append(data, len); return len; } private: std::string* str_; // unowned. }; class ByteHistogramSink : public ByteSinkInterface { public: // |sink| in unowned and must not be NULL. explicit ByteHistogramSink(ByteSinkInterface* sink) : sink_(sink) { memset(histo_, 0, sizeof(histo_)); } virtual void Put(char c) { histo_[static_cast<uint8>(c)]++; sink_->Put(c); } virtual size_t PutN(const char* data, size_t len) { const char* const end = data + len; for (const char* iter = data; iter != end; ++iter) { histo_[static_cast<uint8>(*iter)]++; } return sink_->PutN(data, len); } const size_t* histo() const { return histo_; } private: size_t histo_[256]; ByteSinkInterface* sink_; // unowned. }; // TODO: does it make sense to have a global enum? How should // new BufferedInput implementations define new error codes? enum ErrorCode { kNoError = 0, kEndOfFile = 1, kFileError = 2, // TODO: translate errno. }; // Adapted from ryg's BufferedStream abstraction: // http://fgiesen.wordpress.com/2011/11/21/buffer-centric-io/ class BufferedInput { public: typedef ErrorCode (*Refiller)(BufferedInput*); BufferedInput(Refiller refiller = RefillZeroes) : cursor(NULL), begin_(NULL), end_(NULL), refiller_(refiller), error_(kNoError) { } // InitFromMemory. BufferedInput(const char* data, size_t length) : cursor(data), begin_(data), end_(data + length), refiller_(RefillEndOfFile), error_(kNoError) { } const char* begin() const { return begin_; } const char* end() const { return end_; } const char* cursor; ErrorCode error() const { DCHECK(begin() <= cursor); DCHECK(cursor <= end()); return error_; } ErrorCode Refill() { DCHECK(begin() <= cursor); DCHECK(cursor <= end()); if (cursor == end()) { error_ = refiller_(this); } return error_; } protected: static ErrorCode RefillZeroes(BufferedInput* bi) { static const char kZeroes[64] = { 0 }; bi->cursor = kZeroes; bi->begin_ = kZeroes; bi->end_ = kZeroes + sizeof(kZeroes); return bi->error_; } static ErrorCode RefillEndOfFile(BufferedInput* bi) { return bi->fail(kEndOfFile); } ErrorCode fail(ErrorCode why) { error_ = why; refiller_ = RefillZeroes; return Refill(); } const char* begin_; const char* end_; Refiller refiller_; ErrorCode error_; private: // Disallow copy and assign. BufferedInput(const BufferedInput&); void operator=(const BufferedInput&); }; class BufferedInputStream : public BufferedInput { public: BufferedInputStream(FILE* fp, char* buf, size_t size) : BufferedInput(RefillFread), fp_(fp), buf_(buf), size_(size) { DCHECK(buf != NULL); // Disable buffering since we're doing it ourselves. // TODO check error. setvbuf(fp_, NULL, _IONBF, 0); cursor = buf; begin_ = buf; end_ = buf; } protected: // TODO: figure out how to automate this casting pattern. static ErrorCode RefillFread(BufferedInput* bi) { return static_cast<BufferedInputStream*>(bi)->DoRefillFread(); } private: ErrorCode DoRefillFread() { const size_t bytes_read = fread(buf_, 1, size_, fp_); cursor = begin_; end_ = begin_ + bytes_read; if (bytes_read < size_) { if (feof(fp_)) { refiller_ = RefillEndOfFile; } else if (ferror(fp_)) { return fail(kFileError); } } return kNoError; } FILE* fp_; char* buf_; size_t size_; }; } // namespace webgl_loader #endif // WEBGL_LOADER_STREAM_H_